Monday, April 4, 2011

only me...

Ok so the title is wrong.. not only me, but it felt that way today! The morning started off great, it was 70 degree weather. I took Luke for a nice long walk, we came home and played outside in the sandbox, he had an early nap, and I got tons of stuff done for baseball and the spring carnival. Ok so things were going really well. Luke wakes up so I think it is lunch time. This is where things start to go wrong. My ornery little boy decided he didn't want to sit in his high chair and wanted to sit in a "big boy chair". Soooooo I let him. I make his lunch, and go in to throw some soup in the microwave and Luke decided to flip around in his chair and watch me.. little did I know the goofball was going to slip his legs through the slots. He sits for awhile, talking about this and about that and goes to flip back around for another bite of hot dog and HE CAN'T MOVE. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT. He screams, I come running and I laugh, because I can't imagine why, if he got in, why he can't get out. So I pull, I pick him up, try to slide him out.. nada. He is crying hysterically by this point. What are my options? Ok cut him out (too scared to do), call the fire department (too embarrassed to do) or call a friend's husband to come handle it.. seriously? He would never let me live this one down! lol.. So I get some large tool down in the basement and twist the slot so it is tilted enough to yank his leg out. This whole process probably lasted around 20 mins. The entire time I have a very grumpy, hurting toddler looking at me as if to say "your who I am supposed to call mom?"

1 comment:

  1. HAHAH what a cute and funny story! That second picture of him reminds me of "Andrew!" lol I don't know what I would have done if that had happened to me! lol I probably would have cried! lol Hope your week gets better!
    -Ruth Ann
