Saturday, March 5, 2011

ooops I did it again..

yeesh, I can't believe I did it again. I came home last night and did the unthinkable. I LEFT MY CAR KEYS WITHIN TODDLER REACH. I mean didn't I learn the first time when I lost the main key, you know the nice car key with the keyless entry? Nada.. so I resorted to using the spare key, where everytime I opened the car door, I had .5 seconds to start the car before the alarm went off. So if it was snowing or pouring down rain, I had to jump in and start the car, leaving my poor family outside until I could let them in. I have looked EVERYWHERE, even his usual hiding spots, the trunk of his red bike, the big drawer in the kitchen, the fridge, and all of his  toyboxes... nothing. I even offered Jeremiah and a friend of his 10 dollars to whoever finds the key first, that lasted a whole 3 mins or so until they too realized there is no hope. What is a girl to do? I know, spend 300 dollars to get another key at the Ford dealership and then listen to my husband lecture me. So it is a no-win situation.....

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you lost your keys! That really sucks! I lose my keys alot...actually I misplace them. So for my birthday my mom bought me a key finder that is attached to my keys. We then discovered that Alex (AKA "Andrew) started hiding my keys on purpose...just so I could use the key finder to find them! lol I could hear them beeping, but couldn't find them and he said: "Oh I know...I hid them under the recliner!" lol
